Yumemi Nanahoshi is an ordinary middle school girl who lives in a small town in the suburbs, not far from the ocean. However, her completely normal life is interrupted by the appearance of Kirara, whose home across space, Littlestar, has been destroyed by monsters called the MUMA. Kirara has been followed to Earth by these MUMA monsters who threaten to control people's nightmares and eat their souls.
To save everyone, Yumemi must become a Dreamer and use the Song of Purification to defeat the MUMA. With the support of her childhood friend Kanato, Dreamer Yumemi's battle against the MUMA begins today.
To protect peace on Earth.
And to protect everyone's dreams.
To save everyone, Yumemi must become a Dreamer and use the Song of Purification to defeat the MUMA. With the support of her childhood friend Kanato, Dreamer Yumemi's battle against the MUMA begins today.
To protect peace on Earth.
And to protect everyone's dreams.
Yumemi Dreamer is the new rhythm adventure game from Kogado Studio's Kuroneko-san Team, who have brought you other popular games featuring beautiful female characters such as Angelic Serenade and Symphonic Rain.
Our story takes place in Hoshimaki, a small town in the suburbs, not far from the ocean...