
Chapter 1Yumemi Transforms?! Star Dreamer is Born!
My name is Yumemi Nanahoshi. I’m just your average middle school student–or so I thought. One night my favorite stuffed rabbit Yukimin started talking to me, and I completely freaked! At first I thought maybe I was dreaming, but I wasn’t. Yukimin then told me the craziest thing. She’d been possessed by a princess named Kirara from some planet called Littlestar. Even more crazy, Kirara said she’d been followed to my planet by a bunch monsters called MUMA which give people nightmares and eat their souls! She said the only way to defeat them was for me to become a Dreamer and fight! But I’m just a middle school kid! …And what’s a Dreamer, anyway?!

Chapter 2The Song of Purification! A Stella Forte Melody!
After my first fight with the MUMA, I guess I fell unconscious and Kanato had to carry me back to my room. He then wanted to have a chat with Kirara, but there was no time since we had to get up for school in the morning. We all finally got a chance to talk during lunch the following day. But when I said I wanted to save not just Kirara, but everyone else, too, Kanato’s response completely surprised me. I know he’s just worried about me…but we’re the only ones with the power to fight the MUMA. Kanato, don’t you get it?! If you won’t help, I’ll just have to fight on my own!

Chapter 3The Winds Call Out! I am Comet Dreamer!
I lost consciousness again after my second fight with the MUMA, and Kanato’s cousin Ayumu saw it all happen! Kirara said most people would just think they were dreaming and forget, but for some reason Ayumu doesn’t. Now she wants to become a Dreamer! What’re we gonna do?! I don’t want to put her in danger, but part of me would sure love to have her company in battle. Kirara’s okay with it, seeing how serious Ayumu is, but Comet’s not having any of it. In the end, they chose to observe Ayumu a little more before making a decision. Now I’m worried, because we have to sneak those two stuffed animals into school with us. What if we get caught?!

Chapter 4A Family’s Warmth
It’s evening, and a young girl sits alone on the park bench. Her name is Suzune. Why does no one come to her aid? Isn’t there anything we can do for her? I’m still struggling to come up with answers when it happens. Suzune shows up at our school looking for help. The next thing I know, I’ve decided to take her home with me. What will Mom say? I’m sure she’ll understand. I just grabbed Suzune’s hand and didn’t let go. How was I to know what that would end up leading to?

Chapter 5Long Goodbyes
It’s been smooth sailing since it was decided Suzune would be me younger sister. Although she’s still in the hospital, she’s getting better every day, and all of the other details are going smoothly. Ayumu complains she’s bored ’cause there aren’t any MUMA to fight lately, but I think the lack of action is just great! When Comet tried to scold her, Kirara jumped in and said Ayumu needed a break now and then in order to do a good job. Speaking of breaks, Hoshimaki Shrine is holding their Tanabata festival tomorrow. I thought we could all go together, but Kirara had a slightly different idea in mind. Something involving heart-throbbing romance…? One thing led to another, and now the stage is all set for my festival date with Kanato (and Kirara).

Chapter 6Neverending Nightmare
When I awoke, it had all ended. When I opened my eyes, everything had changed. Kirara was gone. She had used the royal power to save all of us. Comet said we should be happy she’d fulfilled her duty, but how can I not be sad? Still, I can’t go on crying forever, either. Suzune’s about to come home from the hospital, and I don’t want to upset her. Not when I’m supposed to be her big sister. As I’m doing my best to get over Kirara’s loss, yet another big incident occurs.

Chapter 7Broken Song Stellas
Following Kirara’s loss, two new members join our group. Meteo and Meteo Dreamer, who is actually Suzune. It worries me that she seems pretty discouraged after her first fight with the MUMA, so we decide to throw a party in order to cheer her up. Ayumu has dubbed it the “Welcome Aboard, Suzune and Meteo Party”! I hope Suzune and Meteo enjoy it.

Chapter 8Trinity Song
As if losing Kirara wasn’t enough, the MUMA managed to get Kou’s sister too. We tried, but we still couldn’t beat those two Nightmare Origins, Envyrose and Greedoll. Kou’s mad and says he’s going to get revenge, but he doesn’t even know what he’s up against. When Kanato tries to stop him to protect him, the two of them get into a fight. If only we were stronger. …No, if only I were stronger. I’m useless now that my Song Stella is broken and I can’t transform. Kanato, what should I do? …Please save me, Kirara.

Chapter 9Sun, Sand, and Sleepovers!
We’ve got a new power to fight with. The Trinity Song has the strength to cleanse those Nightmare Origins. But that strength didn’t come cheap. Now Kou’s lying in the hospital, alongside his sister Megumi. Neither of them show signs of ever waking up again. I can’t let Kirara see me crying, though, or she’ll get mad at me. I know what else she’d tell us, too. “Even fighters need to take a break! Otherwise you’ll collapse!” Those words are what keep us going! We can’t let what happened to her and Kou happen to anyone else! I have to wonder though…are swimsuits and beaches really what she had in mind? Hopefully the new swimsuit I bought looks good on me. I’ll probably be embarrassed when Kanato sees me in it, but if it lifts his spirits, I can handle it!

Chapter 10Yumemi and Yumemi
At the beach, Kanato gets saved by none other than Greedoll’s Big Golem. He might have been a goner if it were up to the rest of us. But…but… Why does that make me feel so uneasy? Kanato says the Big Golem is our friend, but there’s no way I can believe that. All MUMA have to be defeated. Has he forgotten what happened to Kirara? I…I just don’t know what to do about this.

Chapter 11The Final Option
It’s all come back to me. I’m actually Kirara. I may have thought I was Yumemi, but those memories weren’t mine. I can’t believe it. No… I just don’t want to. But… That’s just how it is. Do these thoughts in my head belong to Yumemi…or Kirara? All of this made me want to end it all, but this body belongs to Yumemi. I can’t do anything to harm it. The confusion gets to be too much for me, and I go running outside. Running to escape something. Running toward an answer. Then it starts to rain.

Chapter 12Bursting with Radiance
I am Kirara. Once I finally accept that, my destiny becomes clear. I have to defeat Greedoll and save Yumemi! I can’t do it alone. But I have Ayumu and Suzune, Comet and Meteo, and most importantly, Kanato, to help me. I told him once already. If the bond he and Yumemi share is strong enough, it will let them defeat the MUMA and save this world and Littlestar. I, Kirara…truly believe in the strength of their bond. And now, the stage is set for the final battle.